Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hey peeps! I'm so sorry the blog has been a cold/heartless/freezing tundra/silent place.

We got home from our adventure, and I didn't even get to check out my emails or nothing, when my husband contracted our neighbor to install a new CD/DVD player thingy on the computer. We all got new music for Christmas and 0ur CD player thingy wasn't working. Actually it hadn't been working for awhile but anyway, before we were even done unloading the car my neighbor (God Bless him) came over and took my computer.

Well, of course one thing led to another thing and for whatever reason my computer decided it didn't like new hardware and went on a little adventure itself. Luckily my neighbor is a computer guru and wrestled with it and talked nicely to it and then just flat out added a new hard drive.

He finally got it working today, obviously. I couldn't wait to get on here to let you all know that I did get through my mountain of laundry and didn't fall off the face of the earth. Its amazing what you can get done when you don't have the distraction of the computer.

But I missed it so much! Very sad......I know.

I'm off to a dental appt. with the girls and then I'll be on here again. I need to upload all my pics from 24th to now. Then I can get the Daily December pages done and show you the other stuff.

Thanks for checking in and I'll have new stuff to show you tomorrow.

Blessings, b.

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